Higher education / Expats study in Luxembourg

luxembourgPosted on 01 January 2050 by Team

Luxembourg is a high-quality destination for higher education at the heart of Europe. Luxembourg is estimated to be the second richest country in the world (GDP per capita). Official languages are Luxembourgish, German and French. However, most professional businesses are conducted in English. Financial Services and ancillary industries are the foremost international industry managing over $3 trillion of assets (second only to the United States. Long story short, if you are into finance, legal, and ancillary functions, you are positioned for securing a job after study. 

Now let's take a look at the Universities available to study.

University of Luxembourg - https://wwwen.uni.lu 

Sacred Heart University for MBA - https://www.shu.lu

Luxembourg School of Business - https://luxsb.lu

Luxembourg's population is strongly driven by the expats migration. Roughly over 40% of the 600 thousand population in Luxembourg are foreigners. The country recognises the contribution made by the expats community in Luxembourg, and are therefore expat friendly. Even though a lot of professional businesses are happening in English, French may also be the key to your success in Luxembourg. Every day work and life is in French, tax form and official documents are French (and German). If you can brush up your French skills, would be a strong advantage in the labor market. 

Visa and work permit rules are straight forward. You get a job, work-permit is processed. Takes time (2-3months) but its done with the support of your employer. 

Have a look at the Universities above and we would add more specialised schools that offer cybersecurity and life science focus areas in the due course. We hope you find this as a quick primer to get started.

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