4 neck exercises you can do at home

othersPosted on 01 January 2050 by Luxembourg Expats

Whether you are a student or an office goer, almost everyone suffers from occasional neck pain and stiff neck. Some of the reasons for neck pain are bad sleeping posture, long hours of sitting or staying glued to your smartphone and the reasons can be endless.

Constant neck pain and stiffness can become a hindrance in your daily life. Following are the 4 exercises you can do at home to relieve neck pain :

1. Turn your neck

Slowly turn your neck towards one side and hold the posture for 5-7 seconds.
Ensure that your jaw is at the same height throughout.
Gently turn your neck to the other side and hold for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

2. Neck tilt
It is one of the simplest exercises to get rid of neck pain. Simply tilt your neck downwards and touch your chin to the chest.
Hold the pose for at-least 5 seconds. Return to the original position.
Repeat the exercise 5 times.

3. Side tilt
Tilt your neck sideways (towards your shoulders) and hold the position for 5 seconds.
Return your head to the center.
Tilt your neck to the other side and hold the posture for 5 seconds.
Repeat the exercise at least 5 times on each side.

4. Shoulder extension
Straighten up your body and make sure your posture is perfect. Push your neck forward and pull your shoulders together in alignment. Hold the position for 5 seconds and feel the stretch on your neck muscles. Gently return to your original position.
Repeat the exercise 5 times.


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