

Luxembourg Proposes Blockchain Bill IV to Enhance DLT Framework and Financial Innovation

On July 24, 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of Finance proposed Blockchain Bill IV, aimed at enhancing flexibility and legal certainty for issuers using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This bill seeks to update three key financial laws in Luxembourg, expanding the legal framework to include equity securities alongside debt securities, and introducing the role of a control agent for issuing dematerialized securities. The control agent, an EU investment firm or credit institution, will manage the securities issuance account and ensure consistency on the DLT network. The bill also simplifies payment processes and the issuance of securities, potentially utilizing smart contracts to increase efficiency and reduce intermediation. Luxembourg's approach to DLT emphasizes technological neutrality, recognizing its potential to transform financial services. The country has previously enacted three blockchain-related laws, known as Blockchain I, II, and III, which laid the groundwork for using DLT in financial transactions and collateral arrangements. Blockchain Bill IV builds on these foundations, aiming to position Luxembourg as a leading hub for financial innovation in Europe by continuously updating its regulatory framework to support digital finance and disruptive technologies.


Founder interview - Norbert Pálfalvi, founder of Custowner Mobility

Luxembourg Expats celebrates expats in Luxembourg. We regularly interview expats from different backgrounds and persuasion and call Luxembourg home. In our interview series, called Featured Story Series, now we have had an interesting discussion with Norbert Palfalvi, founder of Custowner Mobility. Custowner Mobility is building a better mobility system that accelerates to move away from car ownership and supports the transition to people-centric cities. Without further ado, let's get straight into the discussion. Let's have a quick introduction about yourself. Where are you from and what do you do? Hello, my name is Norbert, and I hail from a background rich in mechanical design engineering within the automotive industry, a journey that began in 2004. Twelve years ago, my family and I embarked on a new chapter by moving to Luxembourg, a decision that has significantly shaped my professional and personal life. Initially, I delved into the workforce as an employee, but as my experience and aspirations grew, I transitioned into freelancing. This evolution of my career eventually led me to establish my own company, laying the foundation for what is now a thriving mobility business. My venture into entrepreneurship is driven by a passion for innovation and sustainability in transportation, aiming to redefine mobility for the future. What's your entrepreneurial journey? How did you get started with Custowner Mobility? My entrepreneurial journey with Custowner Mobility has been deeply influenced by my extensive travels across Europe, where conversations with locals vividly highlighted the pressing issue of climate change. These encounters were eye-opening, driving home the realization that we are all part of the problem. However, with this acknowledgment comes the responsibility to mitigate our impact on the environment. Observing the daily traffic congestion in Luxembourg further solidified my belief in the necessity for a transformative solution. The genesis of Custowner Mobility stemmed from a personal desire for a more sustainable and efficient mode of transportation. The realization struck that owning a car was no longer appealing; what I sought was a service that could offer the flexibility of leasing or renting small electric vehicles for daily commutes, coupled with the option to rent minibuses for family vacations. This idea wasn't just about offering an alternative to car ownership but about revolutionizing our approach to mobility. With this vision, Custowner Mobility was born, aiming to introduce a shared mobility service that not only addresses the environmental concerns but also caters to the practical mobility needs of the community. Our initiative seeks to inspire a shift towards sustainable living, encouraging people to reconsider their transportation choices for a greener future. What do you offer with Custowner Mobility and what's innovative and fresh about it? "Custowner" is a blend of the words "customer" and "owner," referring to a business model where the customers of a company also have an ownership stake or influence in the company's operations. At Custowner Mobility, we redefine the concept of mobility by merging the essence of being both a customer and an owner into one innovative platform. Our unique business model empowers users not just to avail themselves of shared mobility services but to also take part in the governance and financial aspects of the mobility ecosystem. We offer an array of shared mobility services, providing a sustainable alternative to private vehicle ownership. This includes access to e-bikes, small electric vehicles (EVs), and minibuses, all aimed at making urban and rural transportation more accessible and environmentally friendly. What sets Custowner Mobility apart is our pioneering tokenization solution. This platform offers an unprecedented opportunity for individuals and communities to invest in local shared mobility fleets. By investing, users gain not just a financial stake but also voting rights, enabling them to actively participate in shaping the mobility solutions that define their cities. Our approach is designed to make cities more livable by fostering a sense of community ownership and responsibility. It's about creating a sustainable future where transportation is shared, efficient, and tailored to the needs of the community. With Custowner Mobility, we're not just offering a service; we're inviting everyone to be a part of the mobility revolution. What are you most proud of personally and about Custowner? We should have an alternative mobility solution to move away from the individual car ownership. Shared mobility cooperation is already exists in many country, based on their success we are settling the first mobility coop in Luxembourg. On a personal level, what fills me with immense pride is the relentless pursuit and acquisition of knowledge, especially during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. I immersed myself in numerous online courses covering critical topics like cycling infrastructures, sustainable cities, urban mobility, and climate change. This period of learning not only enriched my understanding but also significantly contributed to the foundational principles of Custowner. It empowered me to push boundaries and lay the groundwork for a cooperative that champions shared mobility. As for Custowner, our pride stems from pioneering the first mobility cooperative in Luxembourg, inspired by the successes of shared mobility initiatives across the globe. We are not just introducing an alternative to individual car ownership; we are cultivating a community-centric model that actively involves citizens as stakeholders and participants. This collaborative approach, underpinned by partnerships and stakeholder agreements, is what I believe will drive our success. Our mission at Custowner is to offer a sustainable mobility solution that resonates with the needs and aspirations of the community. It's about creating a movement towards a greener, more connected, and less congested urban environment. The pride I feel for what we have started and the potential of what we can achieve together is immeasurable. What are your hobbies and interests? I really like to hiking, and travel, especially to the mountains and to the seaside. I prefer to stay in the nature… we spent many our family vacations in camping, where we hear the singing birds at early morning… What's your favourite spot in Luxembourg? I like to cycle through the rural areas – you will see a real different side of the country. I empower everybody to take their bike with a train to Diekirch and ride to Gravenmacher at the side of the Sure. You can ride together with your family, and spend nice time within local restaurants as well. What's your top 3-recommendations for a new comer in Luxembourg? 1 spend your time in the nature, 2 learn and practice languages, this is the perfect place to improve your language skills. 3 Travel a lot, within Luxembourg, the region or abroad… you will remember forever those events… What's your favourite quote? “If you really want to do something, you will find the way. Otherwise, you will find the excuse" - Jim Rohn What would you say would be the recommendations of people who want to start their own business today? For those embarking on the journey of starting their own business today, I'd share insights drawn from both my professional experiences and my commitment to sustainability. Firstly, recognize the profound responsibility we carry as the stewards of our planet. Our innovations and enterprises should not only seek profit but also contribute positively to the world. We are indeed the most intelligent species, yet our actions have often led to the detriment of the Earth. As entrepreneurs, we have the unique opportunity to drive change, to create businesses that preserve and enhance our environment for future generations. Building a strong network is crucial. Engage with your community, connect with local businesses, and immerse yourself in learning from every possible source. Understand the needs and aspirations of the people your business will serve. The insights gathered from these interactions are invaluable, guiding you to tailor your offerings in ways that truly resonate with your audience. Remember, entrepreneurship is not just about identifying gaps in the market; it's about understanding the impact of filling those gaps. Strive to be a part of the solution, leveraging your business as a platform for positive change. As you navigate the complexities of starting and growing your business, let your mission be guided by a vision of a better world, sustained by your actions and innovations. Like to get in touch with Norbert?


How a Photovoltaic Installation Works

1. Introduction: Definition and Significance of Photovoltaic Installation A photovoltaic installation, more commonly known as a solar power system, represents a significant leap in the way we harness energy. At its core, this technology involves converting sunlight, one of the most abundant and renewable sources of energy on our planet, into electrical power. This process is achieved through the use of solar panels, which contain photovoltaic cells that capture solar radiation and transform it into usable electricity. The significance of photovoltaic installations extends far beyond their basic functionality. In an age where environmental concerns are paramount, these systems stand out as beacons of sustainability. They offer a clean, green alternative to traditional fossil-fuel-based energy sources, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of their users. By generating electricity without emitting greenhouse gases, they contribute markedly to the fight against climate change and the global push for a more sustainable future. The versatility and scalability of photovoltaic systems also add to their appeal. They can be installed in a variety of settings, from small residential rooftops to large-scale solar farms, and in diverse geographic locations. This adaptability makes them suitable for both urban and rural areas, contributing to energy equity and accessibility. Moreover, advancements in photovoltaic technology continue to enhance their efficiency and functionality. Innovations such as bifacial solar panels, which capture sunlight from both sides, and integrated battery storage systems are making solar power more efficient and reliable than ever before. In conclusion, the role of photovoltaic installations in today’s world cannot be overstated. They represent a critical step toward a more sustainable and economically viable future, offering a solution that benefits both the planet and its inhabitants. As technology progresses and awareness of environmental issues grows, photovoltaic installations are poised to play an increasingly important role in global energy strategies. 2. History and Development of Photovoltaic Technology Photovoltaics has its roots in the 19th century, but the dynamic development of this technology has occurred in recent decades. From simple panels to advanced systems, photovoltaics has come a long way. 3. Basic Components of a Photovoltaic Installation Each photovoltaic installation consists of several key elements: solar panels, an inverter, a mounting system, and an energy meter. Each of these components plays a vital role in the efficient functioning of the entire system. 4. How Does a Solar Panel Work? Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic (PV) cells, commonly made from silicon. When sunlight hits these cells, it energizes electrons, creating an electric current. An electric field within the cell directs the electrons, leading to a flow of electricity. This current is initially direct current (DC) and is converted into alternating current (AC) by an inverter for use in homes and businesses. The efficiency of solar panels depends on the material and design of the PV cells. Advances in technology have led to different types of solar panels with varying efficiencies. Protective layers and anti-reflective coatings enhance durability and light absorption. The panels are typically framed in aluminum for structure and ease of installation. 5. Inverter: The Heart of the Installation In photovoltaic systems, an inverter plays a crucial role by converting the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity. This conversion is essential because AC is the standard type of electricity used in homes and businesses for operating appliances and electronics. The inverter ensures that the solar power generated is compatible with the electrical grid and can be either used immediately on-site or fed back into the grid. Additionally, modern inverters often come with additional functionalities such as system monitoring, maximizing energy production, and providing safety features like automatic shutdown in case of a power outage. Therefore, this is one of the points that you need to understand to learn how a photovoltaic installation works. 6. Installation and Mounting of the Photovoltaic System The process of installing photovoltaics depends on many factors, including the choice of location and type of mounting system. Installation must be carried out by qualified professionals to ensure safety and efficiency of the system. 7. Integration with the Power Grid Photovoltaic installations can be connected to the local power grid, allowing for the exchange of surplus energy on favorable terms. This is an important economic and technical aspect of photovoltaic systems. 8. Performance and Efficiency of the Installation The efficiency of a photovoltaic installation depends on many factors, such as placement, panel type, and atmospheric conditions. Monitoring efficiency is key to optimizing system performance. 9. Maintenance and Upkeep of the System For example regular inspections and proper maintenance are essential to maintain high efficiency and longevity of a photovoltaic installation. This includes cleaning the panels and also  checking the technical condition of components. 10. Financial Benefits and Subsidies Investing in photovoltaics offers significant financial benefits, including the possibility of obtaining subsidies and tax breaks. The return on investment depends on many factors, including local conditions and energy policy. 11. Environmental Impact and Sustainable Development Photovoltaic installations contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and promote sustainable development. They represent an ecological alternative to traditional energy sources. 12. Trends and Future of Photovoltaics The photovoltaic sector is one of the fastest-growing in the energy industry. Technological innovations and increasing interest in renewable energy sources are driving its development. 13. Use Cases and Case Studies Photovoltaics find application in both private homes and industry. Case studies show the diversity of applications and benefits of this technology. 14. Challenges and Limitations of Photovoltaics Despite many advantages, photovoltaics encounter various technical and regulatory challenges. The development of this technology requires further investment and political support. 15. Conclusion: Why Invest in Photovoltaics In conclusion finally, photovoltaics offer many benefits, both economic and ecological. Knowing how a photovoltaic installation works allows you to better understand why choosing renewable energy is so important for the environment and for all of us. It is an investment in the future, shaping the way we think about and use energy. FAQ 1. How long does it take to see a return on investment in photovoltaics? The return on investment for photovoltaic systems can vary depending on the size of the installation, local energy prices, and available subsidies. Typically, homeowners begin to see a return within a few years, making it a financially sound long-term investment. 2. Does a photovoltaic installation require special maintenance? Photovoltaic installations require minimal maintenance, primarily involving regular cleaning of the panels and periodic checks of the system components to ensure everything is functioning correctly. This low maintenance requirement adds to the appeal of solar energy. 3. What are the main benefits of owning a photovoltaic installation? The primary benefits include significant savings on electricity bills, also reducing one’s carbon footprint, contributing to environmental sustainability, and increasing property value. Additionally, solar energy provides a reliable source of power and independence from the traditional energy grid. 4. What are the latest trends in photovoltaic technology? Recent trends in photovoltaic technology include the development of more efficient and aesthetically pleasing solar panels, integration with smart home technology, and advancements in energy storage solutions like solar batteries. There is also a growing focus on making solar energy more accessible and affordable for a broader range of consumers. Now that you know how a photovoltaic installation works, you can learn about available subsidies, please visit our “Funding” tab or the “KlimaBonus” website. We encourage you to contact our advisor who will present all the possibilities and tailor the installation for you. Contact us by phone: +352 661 444 831 or fill out the Contact Form


Photovoltaic installation

Take the First Step Towards the Future with Solar Energy! Did you know you can lower your electricity bills while also helping the environment? With our solar panel installation services, it's now possible. Get ready for a revolution in energy supply and join the hundreds of satisfied customers who have already benefited from our services. Why Invest in Solar Energy? Savings on Bills: Solar panels allow for significant reductions in electricity costs. With them, you can produce your own energy, which means lower electricity bills. Environmental Protection: By harnessing solar energy, you reduce carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change. It's an investment in the future of our planet. Energy Independence: With a solar panel installation, you become less reliant on traditional energy suppliers. We guarantee you a consistent supply of electricity, regardless of market conditions. Property Value: Adding solar panels to your home increases its market value. It's an investment that pays off not only now but also in the long run. Our Services Our company specializes in solar panel installations. Our experienced professionals will assist you at every stage of the process, from project planning and selecting the best system to panel installation and regular maintenance. We ensure that your installation is tailored to your needs and expectations. Why Choose Us? Experience and Professionalism: Our company has years of experience in the solar industry, ensuring top-quality service. Cutting-Edge Technology: We stay updated with the latest advancements in solar technology and implement the most current solutions. Competitive Prices: We offer attractive pricing and various financing options to make solar energy accessible to everyone. Customer Support: Our team provides expert advice and assistance at every project stage. Invest in the future and join the ranks of hundreds of satisfied customers who have already embraced solar energy with our installation services.  Contact us today to learn more and receive a free cost estimate tailored to your needs. With us, solar energy becomes accessible to all!  Solar - Expert 

Life & Style

Embrace Remote Work Globally: Explore Digital Nomad Visa Opportunities

In an era marked by significant disruptions, the traditional concept of office life has undergone a profound transformation. With the advent of communication tools such as email and video conferencing, the tether to a physical workplace has been effectively severed, offering a tantalizing prospect for those yearning to break free from the monotony of a fixed location. The allure of relocating to sunnier, more affordable, or simply more enjoyable destinations has never been stronger. As countries across the world have reopened their borders to travelers, a shift towards prioritizing longer-term stays over fleeting vacations has taken hold. At the forefront of this trend, some nations have gone so far as to position themselves as idyllic havens for remote work, enticing digital nomads with innovative 'digital nomad' visas, granting the privilege to live and work in picturesque locales for extended periods, ranging from one year to even longer. Here is an insightful guide to the current list of countries offering digital nomad visas and the qualifying criteria for each. Furthermore, discover what it genuinely means to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and gain valuable insights into how you can embark on this exciting journey. Top Destinations for Digital Nomad Visas 1. Spain: Spain's eagerly awaited digital nomad visa, part of the country's Startup Act, permits individuals to live and work remotely for an initial year, with the option to apply for temporary residency thereafter. Qualification requires a minimum monthly income of €2,200 (£1,890 or $2,415), with at least 80% of income originating from sources outside Spain. 2. Greece: Greece beckons remote workers with its digital nomad visa, granting non-EU citizens the opportunity to reside and work in the country for an initial 12 months. Eligibility criteria include a monthly income of at least €3,500 (£3,030 or $3,630), health insurance, proof of accommodation, and a clean criminal record. 3. Indonesia: If a poolside lifestyle appeals to you, Indonesia, including the famed island of Bali, may be your ideal destination. The country's digital nomad visa allows international citizens to stay for up to five years, free from taxation, provided they do not work for an Indonesian company. 4. Portugal: Portugal offers an alternative to its retiree-focused D7 visa, enabling remote workers from outside the EU or EEA to live and work for up to 12 months. Qualification necessitates a monthly income four times the current Portuguese minimum wage, approximately €2,820 (£2,430 or $3,094). 5. Costa Rica: A new law allows for a Costa Rican digital nomad visa lasting up to two years, with an exemption from income tax during the stay. Applicants must demonstrate earnings of more than $3,000 (£2,650) per month, or $5,000 (£4,420) for those traveling with family. 6. UAE (Dubai): Dubai introduces a long-term visa scheme for remote workers and their families, offering a year's stay while working for overseas firms, with a visa cost of $611 (£478) plus medical insurance. Eligibility requires a monthly income of at least $5,000 (£4,420). 7. Croatia: Conveniently situated in the heart of Europe, Croatia invites digital nomads from non-EU or EEA countries to work remotely on any European time zone for up to 12 months. Requirements include a minimum monthly income of €2,300 (£1,980 or $2,520), proof of employment, and health insurance. 8. Brazil: Brazil's digital nomad scheme, introduced in January 2022, allows anyone earning more than €1,400 ($1,500) per month with valid health insurance to live and work in the country for up to 12 months. Entire villages have been constructed for remote workers. 9. Iceland: Iceland introduces its inaugural long-term visa for non-European Economic Area residents, enabling individuals to spend six months under the 'Work in Iceland' program. Eligibility necessitates a minimum income of 1 million ISK per month, with health insurance required. 10. Barbados: The sunny beach destination offers the '12-month Barbados Welcome Stamp' for those earning $50,000 (£39,200) or more, allowing remote work from the island. 11. Panama: Indulge in an 18-month adventure spanning Central and South America with Panama's short-term remote work visa. Boasting low initial visa costs (around $300/£265) and an average yearly income requirement of $36,000/£31,873, Panama is a solid choice for digital nomads. 12. Estonia: The picturesque Baltic nation of Estonia has unveiled its long-awaited 'digital nomad' program. To qualify for this opportunity, you'll need a monthly income threshold of €3,504 (£3,020, $3,845) and employment outside Estonia, your own registered foreign company, or freelance work predominantly for non-Estonian clients. 13. Georgia: Situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Georgia beckons international visitors with an open-ended digital nomad visa program. This opportunity is available to citizens from all countries, targeting freelancers and the self-employed who can demonstrate a monthly income of $2,000 (£1570). 14. Colombia: With a relatively affordable monthly income requirement of $700 (£549), Colombia's digital nomad scheme offers ease of qualification. Secure your spot with health insurance and proof of employment, and you can relish up to two years in the country. 15. Anguilla: Embrace the allure of Anguilla's year-long visas, designed to accommodate 'longer-stay visitors.' You can apply for a 12-month stay via an online form, with fees ranging from $2,000 (£1,570) for individuals to $3,000 (£2,355) for families of four. 16. Bahamas: Bahamas presents the 'Extended Access Travel Stay' program, granting remote workers and students the opportunity to work or study remotely across its 16 captivating islands for up to a year. Simply complete the application and pay a fee of $1,000 (£785) for the head of the household, or $500 (£400) for each dependent, as a student. 17. Malta: If the Mediterranean beckons, Malta offers the 'Nomad Residence Permit,' permitting non-EU citizens to work from the island for a year, provided they maintain a monthly income exceeding €2,700 (£2,325, $2,960) and work for a foreign company. 18. Malaysia: Experience Malaysia's accessible digital nomad scheme with the 'DE Rantau Nomad Pass,' requiring a minimum yearly income of $24,000 (£18,800). The initial visa fee stands at 1,000 ringgit (£171, $220), with an additional 500 ringgit (£85, $110) per dependent. 19. Cayman Islands: The 'Global Citizen Concierge Programme' in the Cayman Islands welcomes non-residents for up to two years, provided they earn an annual salary of at least $100,000 (£78,500), or $150,000 (£117,700) for couples. 20. Seychelles: Not only is Seychelles an idyllic holiday paradise, but its digital nomad visa program is exceptionally generous. The 'Workcation Retreat Program,' established since May 2021, requires only health/travel insurance and proof of income, with eligibility assessed on a case-by-case basis. Digital nomads in Seychelles enjoy tax exemptions and need only pay a €45 (£38) admin fee. 21. Dominica: Imagine participating in Zoom calls from a sun lounger in the Caribbean paradise of Dominica. This island allows remote workers to reside and work there for up to 18 months, provided they earn an income of $50,000 (£39,250) or more, with visa costs ranging from $800 (£630) to $1,200 (£940) for families. 22. Latvia: Following Estonia's lead, Latvia introduces a visa program for remote workers, permitting stays of up to two years for digital nomads from OECD countries. Qualifications include health insurance, proof of employment, and a monthly income that's 2.5 times the average Latvian salary, currently around £2,460 per month. 23. Ecuador: Ecuador invites remote workers to live and work in this South American gem for up to two years, requiring an income three times the country's 'basic income,' equivalent to a minimum of $1,275 (£1,000) per month. 24. Uruguay: Uruguay joins the ranks of digital nomad destinations, offering an accessible visa without a minimum income requirement. Clean criminal records and non-Uruguayan status are prerequisites, with exemptions from taxes for tech workers. 25. Canada: To address national skills shortages, particularly in the tech sector, Canada introduces a digital nomad visa. While remote workers can already stay for up to six months on a visitor visa, a dedicated nomad visa is in the works, with details forthcoming on the official government website." Please note that visa regulations and requirements may change, so it's advisable to verify the most up-to-date information through official government channels before planning your digital nomad journey.


Debunking AI Job Myths and Embracing New Opportunities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in recent years, often accompanied by concerns about its impact on jobs. However, it is important to address common misconceptions and understand the potential for AI to create new opportunities, enhance productivity, and augment human capabilities in the workplace. One of the biggest misconceptions is that AI will replace human workers entirely. While it's true that AI has the potential to automate certain tasks, it is unlikely to replace entire job roles. Instead, AI is more likely to complement human work, freeing up time for employees to focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. In fact, AI has the potential to create new job opportunities. As AI technology advances, there will be a growing demand for skilled professionals who can develop, implement, and maintain AI systems. These roles include AI engineers, data scientists, and AI ethicists who ensure responsible and ethical AI deployment. The future job market will require individuals who can work alongside AI systems, leveraging their capabilities to drive innovation and productivity. AI can also enhance productivity in the workplace. By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, AI enables employees to focus on more complex and strategic work. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries, freeing up customer service representatives to address more complex issues. This increased productivity can lead to improved efficiency, higher job satisfaction, and better customer experiences. Furthermore, AI can augment human capabilities by providing valuable insights and decision support. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling employees to make more informed decisions. This collaboration between humans and AI can lead to better outcomes across various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and logistics. To ensure a smooth transition into the future of work with AI, reskilling and upskilling programs will play a crucial role. Employees should be provided with opportunities to acquire the necessary skills to work effectively alongside AI systems. This includes developing skills in data analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which are essential for leveraging AI technologies. In conclusion, rather than fearing AI's impact on the job market, it is important to embrace the future of work with AI. While some tasks may be automated, AI has the potential to create new job opportunities, enhance productivity, and augment human capabilities. By understanding the potential of AI and investing in the necessary skills, individuals and businesses can adapt and thrive in an AI-driven world. The future of work is a collaboration between humans and AI, where both can leverage their strengths to drive innovation and success. 


Lux Expats Weekly News

Urgent humanitarian crisis unfolds on the Canary Islands as a migrant boat carrying desperate souls arrives! Discover the Dutch secret to beating busyness and finding balance. This fascinating article explores a unique approach that has captivated the world. Amazon accused of tricking Prime customers Explore the quirky side of Route 66 with the Depression Burger! Uncover the fascinating history behind this unique culinary delight that tells a story of resilience and nostalgia. Discover the universe with the James Webb Space Telescope Read here why UK is set to sign a pact with the EU to increase co-operation on financial services. South Koreans have become a year or two younger as a new law aligns the nation's two traditional age-counting methods with international standards. Unveiling the Enigmatic Secrets of Castle Stolzembourg and Castle Vianden Stockholm is set to welcome the world's largest wood city, showcasing sustainable architecture and nature-inspired design. A game-changer for urban living! Company getaways are making a comeback, especially as many firms move to remote-first models. They can be well meaning – but turn out problematic. Discover why? Luxembourg has become the second European Union member country to legalize the possession and cultivation of cannabis for personal use after Malta. KF7B227e9fwHGb1-xK9_9hXWusb7ZxfPwF2kUjSYAqu2aL2s0PdI Luxembourg gears up for Eurovision! Save the date - January brings an electrifying televised national final, where the country's finest talent will compete for a chance to shine on the international stage. Exploring the hidden mountain hideaways of Turkey's Rize region has been an incredible adventure! Nature's beauty at its finest. Check out this fascinating article to learn more.


Jakub from On-Lang, the online language school in today's Featured Story Series

At Luxembourg Expats Network Featured Story Series’, today we are speaking to Jacob, founder of the online language institute On-Lang. Every entrepreneur's journey is filled with hope and opportunities and struggles and turbulence. By speaking, we not only highlight the journey of an entrepreneur, but we also hope this would be an inspiration for many. Without further ado, let’s jump right-in to our discussions with Jacob. Welcome to LuxExpats FSS, Jacob, let’s have a brief introduction about yourself: My name is Jakub. I am a language teacher with 10+ years of experience. Married to another great education specialist Eveline, who works as methodologist in our school – On-lang. We come from Poland, both worked as freelance teachers there, and at the beginning of 2021 we founded On-lang language school in Bitburg, Germany What's your Bitburg story? What brought you to Bitburg, and how has life in Bitburg been? We visited this area a couple of years ago. Our friends invited us. Once we’ve seen Bitburg, Trier, Eifel region, and Luxembourg of course, we thought that it might be a good place to live. Long story short, after just a few years we had a chance and we took it. Life in Bitburg is calm. People are very friendly and helpful, what we as newcomers appreciate a lot. What's your entrepreneurial journey? How did you get started with On-lang, the online language school? It started several years ago. After an adventure as a corporate employee I decided to pursue a career as a freelancer. I wanted to be able to have more influence on how my work, and life looked like. That’s how my company started to exist. For a couple of years I cooperated with various language schools, and managed to build a list of private clients. When we were planning to move to Germany, it was an obvious choice to pursue the teaching career. After analyzing the options, we decided to launch a company – On-lang language school, get some of our friends, who are fantastic educators on board and start building our future. What services do you offer? Who are your target audience? We want to help everyone who wants to learn a foreign language. We offer various learning schemes. One can learn solo, with a friend, or in a group. We are also interested in reaching companies where workers need to improve their communication skills in non-native languages. Having employees who speak a couple of languages fluently and are not scared of using them can really push a business forward, and we have already cooperated with different companies in that area. What are you most proud of in On-lang? I am super proud of being able to have fantastic people on board. We chose our teachers carefully and cooperate only with those, who have the same vision as we do  to help people break language barriers. I am very thankful for their support. The other thing I am proud of is that from this school-year we were able to offer job-contracts to some of our teachers. Though it is not the first choice of many schools, that usually employ freelancers only, we are happy to make a step forward and to make the job more stable for both our educators and ourselves. What are your hobbies and interests? I used to be a freelance photographer and that is still somewhere in my heart. I love visiting new places with my camera and taking photos. It helps to get a better, more detail-oriented perspective of a place one visits. That’s how it works for me at least 😊 What's your favorite spot in Luxembourg? Though I am relatively fresh in here, I can name a couple of spots I definitely love. From the city of Luxembourg I definitely fell in love with the Adolphe Bridge. Having a walk with the view is a breath-taking experience. It is also a perfect place to get away for a moment to be alone with ones thoughts sipping a good take-away coffee of course. What's your top 3-recommendations for a new comer in learning new language? 1. Surround yourself with the new language. Change language in your video games, phone system, Netflix default settings etc. Try to manage and don’t give up if it feels a bit upsetting or tiering at first. 2. Get professional help of a qualified teacher who can coach you through your language process. Even the best self-learning sportsmen need an assistance of a coach at some point. The same goes for the language skills, it really helps to have a professional teacher who cares about you, and your progress. Every student deserves a champion 😊 3. Go out there and use what you learn. Whenever it is possible for you, use the language you are learning. When you feel you are misunderstood, that’s why we have our hands and mimics, use them if you fail to find a word needed at the moment. The feeling of accomplishment when you manage to have a simple conversation in a language you are learning is an amazing motivator. What's your favorite quote? My favorite quote comes from one of my favorite TedTalks. It was given by a great educator Rita Pierson, who said: “Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” In On-lang, we believe that every our student, young or older deserves a champion 😊 What methods do you use teaching your students? We use a variety of teaching methods. Starting from Montessori/Multi-sensory methods for kids, through The Natural Approach, CLT (Communicative language learning), to our favorite – the Immersion method for adults. Actually what we like to do most is to tailor a mixture of various methods to our students. We definitely try to conduct our lessons completely in the target language as soon as it is possible. We also want to give our students the possibility to enjoy communication as early as  possible in their learning process – hence the focus on very practical, and useful skills. What would you say would be the recommendations of people who want to start their own business today? 1. The beginnings are never easy, so don’t give up to quickly. 2. Though you may often feel like this – don’t do everything by yourself. Try to get a support and to delegate tasks as soon as possible. 3. Gather positive people around you, and talk to them often to gain motivation to go on. Last, but not least, if you are not one yourself, find a good support of a tax advisor. I am very happy to have a support of Jegen Steuerberatungsgesellschaft GmbH from Bitburg, that provides fantastic support. Hope you enjoyed learning about Jacob and his family's entrepreneurial experience, which he has shared in a beautiful way. Are you learning a new language? check out On-lang and support local businesses in the greater region:


ICT SPRING 2021: physical edition to reconnect to business

Press Release The international tech summit will take place next September 14-15, 2021 Next September 14th and 15th, more than 100 international experts will participate in a new edition of ICT Spring, the renowned tech summit. The event, organized since 2010, will take place at the European Convention Center Luxembourg, at the very heart of Europe: ICT Spring will therefore be the first largest in-person event of the year. Today, the organizers are announcing the various topics that will be discussed during the different summits, as well as the first experts who will share their knowledge and best practices, during what promises to be an exceptional edition. This year, ICT Spring will be organized in the frame of the “Digital ICT Week”, powered by the Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg, and is labelled as the main event of the week, as well as the first largest in-person event of the year to take place in Luxembourg. It will notably allow the audience to participate in matchmaking and targeted networking sessions, through the use of the Swapcard application. As usual, ICT Spring will consist in an exhibition area and startups’ village and insightful summits to tackle trendy topics. Conferences will be broadcasted live from Luxembourg, and will gather as many speakers as possible within the country, depending on health restrictions. Therefore, experts are welcomed to take part in ICT Spring both physically and digitally. Fintech Summit The combination of finance and technology has been discussed over the past decade, with Fintechs becoming key players and new trendsetters in the financial services industry. The first session, entitled “The Advent of a Cashless Society”, will focus on a myth that is about to become a reality: organizations are welcoming this new era and need to adapt their processes, by notably combining security, trust and transparency. Experts will then focus on “FundTech & Tokenization”: how will tokenization change the business and what are the latest technologies available for the funds industry to improve the customer experience? On the second day, they will explore the “Digital Banking over the World” topic. As banks struggle to improve customer experiences, the quest for personalized digital interactions continues. Finally, the summit will end with a session called “Fintech to favour Financial Inclusion”, as, nowadays, financial data-driven intelligence facilitates inclusive finance. Digital Summit More than ever, digital plays an important role in our daily lives, whether it is on the professional side with the use of innovative tools or on the personal one with new apps and services. The first session, focusing on how to “Reconcile Tech & Education”, will feature experts who will share their knowledge around the latest tech trends with a whiff of education and gender diversity. Then, experts will focus on “Digital Supply Chain”, in order to understand the biggest challenges of the supply chain and logistics sector. What are the impacts of digital and data management? How does it improve the value chain? How the e-commerce can enable a fast and easy access to goods? The day after, professionals will discuss “Digital Society” and how to shape the society of tomorrow through digital technology: building smarter cities, improving access to e-government, managing brands in a data-driven economy, etc. The session will end with a focus on “Digital Health”, with the use of new solutions to improve the healthcare industry and solutions linked to longevity. Space Forum Organized in parallel of ICT Spring since 2016, the Space Forum conference discusses the impact of space tech on Earth business such as mobility, IoT, connectivity, security, etc. The first morning session will be entitled “Powering Sustainable & Resilient Space Developments” and will focus on international cooperation and how science will contribute to build up a resilient ecosystem fueled with rapid technological developments. “Space Revival: Strengthening the Hi-Tech Ecosystem in Europe” will then be discussed: what are the new challenges that the space industry needs to take up? What is the position of Europe within the international framework: its assets and weaknesses? Can Europe be a key player? Finally, experts will share their “Views on the Most Promising Companies of the New Space” and will dive into the startups ecosystem of the Space industry while sharing the latest innovations of the market. European Security Forum A well-known side event of ICT Spring, European Security Forum will gather cybersecurity professionals to discuss the latest trends in a field that is evolving at a faster pace than ever, with the number of (sophisticated) cyberattacks constantly growing. The first session, “Data Security: everyone’s business” will focus on the crisis and how cybersecurity concerns have grown exponentially, with the creation of innovative tools. “AI threats and opportunities” will then be on the agenda as it has become essential to ensure the security of AI systems, and so will the “The era of Zero Trust”, with the recognition that “trust can be considered a vulnerability”. The topic "Post quantum cryptography" will end the European Security Forum. Mastermind Summit This new summit aims at giving participants a view on “Strategic Acceleration EU and International Programs”, as well as funding available for startups. The session will consist in speeches to provide assistance to startups and to help them develop their networks and businesses. Experts will relate success stories, define the art of pitching, etc. Moreover, panel discussions with VCs will be organized, with professionals presenting the biggest trends they are currently following in the fields of Fintech, Deeptech, New Space, and more. This second session will be entitled “Startups Verticals”. With theparticipation of Priscila Chaves (Tech Ethicist & Impact Entrepreneur) Sam Scimemi (Senior Assistant in the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, Former ISS Director, NASA), Jason Maude (Chief Technology Advocate, Starling Bank), Joakim Sjöblom (Co-founder and CEO, Minna Technologies), Tomas Martinkenas (Director of Privacy and Security, Vinted), Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck (Founding Director, Digital Leadership Institute), Morgan Wirtz (CEO & Co-founder, Upy) and Elia Montanari (Head of Management and Control, ESA). Local experts Marc Hansen (Luxembourg Minister Delegate for Digitalisation), Jean-Jacques Dordain (Advisor,, Avanti Sharma (Pre-Teen Technology Specialist, Workshop4Me) and Carl-Friedrich zu Knyphausen (Director Logistics Development, Zalando) have also confirmed their participation to this year’s edition of ICT Spring. About ICT Spring ICT Spring is a global tech conference hosting an array of international professionals. It offers the participants a unique opportunity to deepen their digital knowledge, capture the value of the fast-growing FinTech, drive innovation in the Supply Chain industry, pierce the secrets of IT Security and explore the impact of Space technologies on terrestrial businesses. All this through high-level conferences, exhibitions and demonstrations of the latest tech trends and Innovations. ICT Spring is hosted within the Digital ICT Week, organised by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Farvest in order to stimulate digital transformation, illustrate the latest tech trends and present growth opportunities for startups and SMEs. ICT Spring is also the perfect place to network with peers and future business partners. More information: About Farvest Farvest has become the one-stop-agency for companies and institutions aiming to promote Luxembourg as a gateway to Europe and a perfect place to establish a company. The Agency contributes to support these organizations thanks to its strong and wide network of experts, industry leaders, and proven skills to bring meaningful short and long-term projects into life. Farvest isrecognized as a B2B multi-specialist, enabling business and strategic partnerships. Farvest is composed of forward thinkers and passionate individuals who support the Agency’s clients in reaching their target whether it is for increasing their reach, reviewing their brand positioning, enhancing their communication strategy, designing outstanding communication supports, boosting a website performance, etc. Committing to highlighting Luxembourg as a creative nation, fostering innovation and awarding national best cross-sectors practices, are among Farvest top priorities. More information: Contact Anne-Lorraine Reinbolt +352 26 27 69-1

Life & Style

Will there be an alternative to the Facebook ecosystem?

Facebook - the social network that started in early 2000 is the only platform that's available for us if you want to be on a social network. Over the years, Facebook has added two more apps that dominates our lives; WhatsApp and Instagram. Now after 20 years, its a good time to look back and take stock of the situation on where I came from, where I am now, and what I want. Facebook was not the first social network, its Friendster. But Facebook clearly ate or defeated all other apps along the way and become the dominant and only player in this space. When I started being on Facebook, I was among those who accepted all friend requests whether I know the person, I might have seen the person, or its a friend's friend or what not. Fast forward today, I don't do that anymore. In fact, I was unfriending loads whom I have no clue about and was trimming down my friends list. As I do that, "privacy" and "close-knit" are on top of my mind. As those words dominate, Facebook is going in the opposite direction. They are closely integrating Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram messages. Eventually, you can start communicating in one app and finish the conversation in the other app. Post in Facebook, automatically display in Instagram, and chat about it in WhatsApp. This worries me, as three apps that I used with different set of people, and different set of information is going to be united into one. Facebook already knows a lot about me than I do. Now with all three apps rolled-into-one, I am going to be literally having a copy of my life in Facebook's servers that I have no control over the use. This worries me, and this should be worrying us all. I did not move out of Facebook by choice, because the strongest case I made to myself was that I would lose my friends list I had built over the years from all continents. Finding them again, and connecting with them, and reminding them of a memory I shared with them seemed to be an impossible task. But Facebook did me a favor. One fine day, they blocked me. I did not really know why, but they said they are not cool with me any more and they need my passport, driving license or any ID. Well, my Facebook name is not exactly what my passport displays. 95% of Facebook names will not match their passport names. But now Facebook wants my passport. In face, Facebook already knows a whole lot about me, and the last piece to map was my passport copy perhaps. Wasn't comfortable at all. But, I still wanted my friends list back, so I shared anyway. They did not budge, and there was no explanation or appeal. Boom, more than a decade of friends list and I am blocked out of Facebook now. Naturally, I was sad, angry and frustrated. After a number of sunsetting days, I am happier than ever. Don't get me wrong. I want to be on a social network. I want to have good friends I truly want to be posting on what's going on in their lives. But, I don't want my social network to track my every move and tell me what I will need now and in the future. I want to be at peace. Look at friends' travel, see their family being happy and not pressured by someone else or give someone the power to kick-me-out anytime at their will. But, I look around for such a social network, I don't see any other choice now. Hope is there though. WhatsApp alternatives such as Signal has come-up. There should be, and there will be, a Facebook alternative that I can have only my closest, good and trusted friends and acquaintances. I can chat, share, and care about my life and be updated on their lives. That one app that gives me "privacy" and keep it "close-knit. I am confident that days will come in the next years. Until then, hoping to write more. /// Written By Kevin This is a personal opinion by the author.

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